People who seek coaching services are either struggling in one or more areas of their lives or just wish to better themselves. Marriage, entrepreneurship, spirituality, health, and self-development are examples of these fields. Maybe your social life is lacking and you’re looking for your love. In this case, a life coach could help you figure out what’s holding you back and work with you to overcome barriers in your search for a companion.
If you are looking for the best life coach in Dubai, you have come at the right spot.
Table of Contents
What Is Life Coaching?

Life coaching or consulting is a profession in which the coach has a thorough understanding of the principles related to success and how to apply them. A life coach teaches others how to use these ideas in their professional or personal lives. Life coaches can also assist clients in dealing with stress and anxiety. Consider yourself stuck in a job you despise. You don’t have enough money to get you through a career transfer. In this case, a coach assists you in determining the industry in which you will thrive and which corresponds to your life’s mission. Once you and the coach have identified an industry in which you wish to work, he or she will assist you in selecting a career path and developing a plan of action to accomplish the transition. Read on to find the 10 qualities of a great life coach.
Qualities Of A Great Life Coach
Listening skills

A good Life Coach is also a good listener. This is one of the most critical life coach abilities for being an agent of change. A competent listener can grasp and prepare the agenda for the sessions by knowing the numerous things a client communicates (or may find difficult to speak about). A Life Coach must maintain an open mind and provide a nonjudgmental safe space for the person receiving counseling. A Life Coach is also aware of nonverbal cues and can gather extra information through listening skills. A Life Coach, as a listener, does not form any ideas or dilute his or her personal agenda during the coaching session.
Be Accountable

A trained Life Coach understands the value of accountability. This accountability exists in coaching for the self, the client, and the progress of the sessions. A Life Coach gives a platform for clients to discuss their progress, sets deadlines, and holds them accountable to meet those targets. A competent Life Coach is fast to shift the conversation’s focus to the objectives, while also ensuring that the client has done the necessary measures to move closer to the goal.
This also implies that the Life Coach delivers regular reviews and comments and keeps the knowledge ready for all sessions. A Life Coach also raises the client’s accountability to guarantee that the coaching goals are reached.
Use of questioning skills

One of the traits of a Life Coach is the ability to employ powerful questioning. A coach will use a combination of questioning techniques to influence the conversation as needed. A coach understands the right questions to ask as well as how to ask them.
A client may be asked questions that require them to reveal more facts, think deeper, gain clarity about who they are vs. who they think they are, and keep the coaching conversation focused on the goals.
The appropriate inquiries help a customer grasp what they want and find answers on their own (especially when a client is having difficulty finding answers), ultimately helping the client to discover solutions.
Effective Communication Skills

To provide counsel and actionable guidance to their clients, life coaches must be able to articulate themselves clearly.
What’s the good news? Practice, experience, and confidence in the coaching models and exercises in your methodology can help you communicate properly with clients. It will arm you with solid vocabulary surrounding therapeutic strategies such as positive psychology.
To refine this talent, all of our life coaching courses contain hours of practice and live teaching, as well as professional observation.

That being said, your role as a life coach is not to smack someone into action. Making life changes is difficult! That’s why a little encouragement from you to your clients can go a long way.
Numerous research on the effectiveness of positive reinforcement have shown that it greatly improves behavior and motivation wherever it is used — from the classroom to the home to the business, for both children and adults. As a result, as a coach, you have to be generous with praise and celebrate your clients’ victories (however minor).
This will not only benefit your clients by increasing their motivation, gaining traction as they work towards their goals, and making them feel good in the process. They will also like working with you.
Trustworthiness And High Integrity

Because life coaching is a vulnerable practice, the success of a coach-client relationship is based on developing trust and displaying high levels of integrity.
Practical methods for increasing client trust include:
- Maintaining client confidentiality all the time — and sharing anything regarding client sessions in promotion or marketing only with the permission of the client.
- Attending your coaching calls on time.
- Following through on your promises, whether it’s handing over reading recommendations, a coaching contract, or an invoice.
- On your coaching calls, be nonjudgmental and keep an open mind. People will quickly shut down if you are judgmental (for example, shouting, “Why would you do that?”).
Doing these activities on a regular basis can help you cultivate excellent coach-client relationships and, as a result, develop a standout coaching practice.
Great Time Management Skills

Every successful life coach must be a master of time management and scheduling.
After all, you must manage administrative parts of your firm (such as customer onboarding, emails, and billing) as well as marketing efforts that will help you gain clients.
Time management skills are very useful when leading coaching sessions. The best life coaches manage the flow of the call such that you end the session with your client in a raw, vulnerable condition.
Self Awareness

Self-awareness is essential, particularly when it comes to supports and institutions that bring forth our finest. Lack of self-awareness is like stumbling in the dark; one stumbles into what one is looking for at random. Compare this to understanding exactly what supports and structures are available to you. Self-awareness allows one to get *into the zone* with accuracy and precision. Pay attention to and observe yourself to improve your self-awareness.
Showing Up

It doesn’t matter HOW we arrive; what matters is that we arrive. Day by day, step by step. Don’t let temporary setbacks prevent you from turning up on a daily basis. Pace yourself like an athlete and learn to form new habits by incorporating the activity into your daily routine. Show up anyway, and you’ll acquire solidity and forward momentum as you pursue your vision. Great coaches understand that they cannot generate outcomes for their clients without consistency. They can be completely dedicated to assisting their clients and creating a space for them to grow and achieve their goals, but they also understand that the client ultimately picks their own path.
Observational And Curious

A life coach is able to notice and watch for the lights in people’s eyes rather than being engrossed in their story. They listen with their eyes first, and then with their ears. This is because they understand that the eyes always reveal the truth of what makes someone come alive, as well as what is closest to their heart and soul.
Curiosity is one of the most important characteristics of a great coach. They are genuinely interested in people and their life and hence they try to get to know their clients first.
Becoming a life coach requires personal growth as well as the acquisition of coaching skills.
There are many excellent coaches in the world, each with their own special talents, style, and flair. But, there are some characteristics that are shared by coaches who make a deep and enduring impact on their clients’ lives. Keep in mind that this is a list of traits, not talents. You must practice and build these 10 qualities of a great life coach over time. They will eventually become a part of who you are and how you assist others who work with you. They are the foundation for effectively establishing yourself as a coach or trainer.