5 Things to Keep in Mind While Changing Your Career in Your Mid-30s

Changing your career in your mid-30s can be a daunting but rewarding endeavor. Whether you’re seeking more fulfillment, better work-life balance, or new challenges, it’s never too late to make a career change. However, this transition comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. Here are five important things to keep in mind when changing your career in your mid-30s.

Know you WHY?

Things to Keep in Mind While Changing Your Career

There could be several reasons due to which you may strong feel like making a career transition. Better work life balance, new challenge, better financial stability, more meaningful work to name a few. It’s important to do a self reflection and figure out what your core beliefs and values are and focus on why you are doing what you intend to do.

Transferable Skills

Things to Keep in Mind While Changing Your Career

You may have spent a decade in the same industry, similar role and now when you look to transition into a completely different one this whole exercise may seem daunting. Identifying what skills and experiences may be relevant in the new field will give you lot of confidence and clarity before you take the plunge


Things to Keep in Mind While Changing Your Career

While you have accumulated ample skills and experience you may still want to explore what kind of trainings and certifications can give you an edge over others. Upskilling is essential in establishing relevancy and making your career shift journey smoother

Coaching and Mentorship

Things to Keep in Mind While Changing Your Career

Finding a mentor from a similar background who has successfully transitioned to a desirable role can be extremely valuable. They can provide you with a reality check on actual challenges faced and how they went about solving it. Coaching can help a great deal in assessing where you are today and where you would like to be in future by identifying your strengths, values and improvement areas.

Financial Planning

Things to Keep in Mind While Changing Your Career

Changing careers can come with financial challenges, especially if your new role requires a lower starting salary or if you need to invest in education or certifications. Therefore, it’s crucial to create a financial plan. Assessing your financial backup and return on investment before taking the big leap is extremely essential. Always remember long term benefits will outweigh short term setbacks


Changing your career in your mid-30s can be a life-altering decision that leads to increased job satisfaction and personal growth. While it may seem intimidating, with careful planning and a clear sense of purpose, you can make a successful transition. Remember that your experiences, skills, and networks can be valuable assets during this journey. Self-reflection, education, networking, mentorship, and financial planning are all crucial aspects to consider as you embark on this exciting new chapter in your professional life. Embrace the change and the opportunities it brings, and remember that it’s never too late to pursue your passions and career dreams.

Also Read : 9 Ways To Stay Motivated During Your Career Shift 

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